Service Area:
Vancouver, Downtown Vancouver, North Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, New Westminster, Port Moody, Coquitlam, Surrey*
Type of Property we accept:
- Unfurnished Whole Condo/Apartment
- Unfurnished Whole Townhouse
- Unfurnished Whole House
- Unfurnished Whole Laneway House
- We Do Not Manage Split Level House, Basement Suite, Furnished, Multi-unit or room rental in a property
- Must be well-maintained, must be professionally cleaned.
For Furnished Rental, we can refer you to our sister company Vancouver Luxury Rental
Tenant Placement Service includes:
- Specialized in Residential long term rental (1 year minimum)
- Free Evaluation and Market Analysis Research
- Advertisement
- Photography & Video Taken by the Property Manager
- Schedule Showings
- Tenant Full Background and Credit Checking
- Full Move-in Inspection Report
- Collecting Rent and Damage Deposit
- Specialized Tenancy Agreement with liquidate damaged clause and additional occupant clause
- All Tenants placed by us carries Tenancy Insurance
- No fees until the tenant has placed successfully
- 免费评估 – 免费为您提供市场分析并为您建议适当的出租价格,帮助您获得最大收益。
- 免费摄影 – 为您的物业免费拍摄高质量照片,使租房广告更具吸引力。
- 免费广告 – 免费为您的物业在各大中英文网络媒体刊登广告。
- 无预付费 – 成功签约租房才收服务费,不成功不收费。
- 网上申请表格 – 租客可以直接用手机或电脑直接申请出租单位,加快我们租客筛选程序。
- 租客筛选 – 所有租客申请表一率在24小时内处理。绝对不延托。我们使用公司的系统对租客进行信用调查及背景调查,以确认是好的租客可以按时支付租金。找到合格租客马上和您联系,经过您的同意之后马上下租约,绝对不延托。
- 出租协议 – 协助业主起草和签订房屋租赁合同,保护业主的合法权益。
- 搬入记录 – 在每次租客搬入,对物业进行全面的检查、详细拍照记录并归档。
Management Service
- Coordinate Repairs
- Routine Inspections (up to 2 times a year with report of photos)
- with Move In/Out Inspections
- Communicate with Tenants for rental matters
- Collecting Rent with Pre-authorized debit method
- Send appropriate notice for Rent increases, 10 day notices and evictions.
- Monthly and annual statement
- Non-Resident tax collection for CRA and NR4 form to be provided for tax report
- Coordinate Strata mails, coordinate with tenants for Strata fines.
- Collecting utility bills from the tenants.
- Coordinate Insurance Claims
- 定期检查 – 定期对物业进行全面检查,确保您的物业是被合理、合法的使用
- 代收租金 – 每月定期代收租金存款到您指定的银行帐户,免去您收租的烦恼
- 财务报告 – 每月定期向业主发送物业的财务收支报告和维护管理报告
- 日常维护 – 对物业进行定期维护和日常保养,确保您的物业安全正常
- 紧急抢修 – 提供每周7天,每天24小时紧急抢修服务,减小物业的意外损失
- 专业维修 – 配有专业人员对物业进行维修服务,有效保障您的物业升值
- 违约处置 – 协助业主对租客的违约行为进行处置,减少业主的损失
- 搬入搬出 – 在每次租客搬入和搬出物业时,对物业进行全面的检查、詳細拍照记录并归档。
- 帮助业主处理保险
- 非居明NR6表伸請 – 省税
Property Management Fees 出租物业管理費用
Apartment and Houses:
First month leasing fee is equal to the greater of $995 or 50% of 1st monthly rent. Plus GST.
Management Fee is the greater of $150 or 7% monthly rent. Plus GST
*Surrey (including Whiterock) Management Fee is the greater of $150 or 8% of the monthly rent. Plus GST
公寓/房屋:半個月的租金當租客安置費,最低消費 $995 + GST. 加上管理費每月7%的租金, 最低消費 150加元 + GST.
Leasing Service Fees (Tenant Placement Fee) 租客安置服务費用
Leasing Fee is equal to the greater of $1500 or 1st monthly rent. GST is applicable. (Monthly advertising fee $60 is included)
一個月的租金當租客安置費。最低消費 $1500 + GST.
Non-Resident Fees 非居民稅務申報費
An annual processing fee of $150 is charged for each individual on title for NR4. $300 is charged for each individual on title for NR6.
非居民稅務申報費NR4每年$150 + GST Per Person on Title. 非居民稅務申報費 NR6每年$300 + GST Per Person on Title.
Management Other Fees 其他物业管理費用
Float Fund:
a Refundable $500 deposit for Strata condo and townhouses and $1000 deposit for house and duplexes will be held from the 1st month rent as a float fund for emergency repairs or strata fee outstanding payment. This will be refundable when you decide to terminate our service.
公寓有$500 押金, 獨立屋有$1000 押金, 用來緊急維修,客戶以後不需要我的服務之後會退回
Tenancy Renewal fees:
We charge a 25% of 1st month rent on the 2nd year, if you and the tenant decides to renew another fixed term tenancy. We had to draft new tenancy agreement and update current tenant information.租約續期費用:如果租戶決定簽訂另一個一年固定期限合同,我們將收取第一年固定期租賃的1個月租金的25%當續租費,原因是我們必須重寫新的租約。
Project Coordination fees:
If the owner requires us to coordinate repairs or renovation prior to the property being rented out in the 1st year, if it has taken more than 1 hour of Property Manager’s time, there is an additional $750 fees for coordination.監工費,第一年出租前如果屋子需要翻新,整修,大做清潔,處理家具,處理保險問題,屋主需要我們來找工人監工,如果超過物業經理一個小時工作時間,我們將收取$ 750 費用。
Management between Tenants:
Upon the tenants vacated the unit, minimum of Property Management fee per month still applies if the unit sits empty, due to the fact that we still corresponding with the Strata, pre-paying the utility bill for the owner, arranging the showing and making sure the unit function properly until the next tenant move in.
換租客的期間可能會有空檔期,我們有收最低的管理費($150 + GST)
因為這之間,我們還在處理之前租客的押金, 如果有任何糾紛我們也還在處理之中, 所以即使是空房我們也還在管理。 -
Key copying/Fob ordering Fee:
The Owner is required to provide minimum 3 sets of keys, Property Manager will need to keep a set, and all Adult tenants in the household will have a set of keys. If Property Managers are required to order additional fobs and make extra keys to complete all the sets required, then an additional $25 admin fee will be applicable on top of the key and fob fees.
打鑰匙的手續費。屋主要提供至少三套完整的鑰匙,成年租客都至少要一套鑰匙,如果需要我們幫忙處理打鑰匙,跟大樓訂FOB的服務, 我們會收個$25的手續費。
Mail Pick Up Fee:
The Owner is required to redirect their own personal letters. The Brokerage can only receive Owner’s property related letters. if the Property Managers has to make an additional trip to pick up letters for the owner, an additional $50 per trip would apply.
幫業主拿信費用。屋主應該把自己的信件全部轉出去,我們的公司只能代收跟房源有關的信件,其他的私人信件要自己轉出去,如果需要經理去幫您拿信,我們會收一趟$50的費用. -
Bank Fee:
If the Property Manager has to prepay the payment for the owner such as cleaning and repair, and incurred bank fee, the owner is responsible to reimburse the Property Manager for such fee.
Additional terms:
Upon the tenants vacated the unit, a minimum of Property Management fee $150 per month + GST still applies if the unit sits empty, due to the fact that we still corresponding with the Strata, pre-paying the utility bill for the owner, arranging the showing and making sure the unit function properly until the next tenant move in. 当租户腾空时,由于我们仍与Strata相对应,安排展示并确保该单元正常工作,直到下一个租户迁移,因此如果单元空置,则每月仍有物业最低消費管理费用。
Service Termination/Cancellation terms & fees:
Tenant Leasing Service contract is a 4 months contract. If the property has no tenant placed, owner decides to cancel the service within 4 months, $500 + GST and a Monthly Flatrate Advertising fee of $60 + GST are applicable as Contract Termination Fee. 租客安置服務合同是4個月的合同。如果業主決定在4個月內取消服務,那麼则需支付500加元加稅還有每月廣告費$60加元加稅作为取消费。
Property Management Agreement is a minimum 1 year contract.
1. Upon signing the Property Management Agreement or Tenant Placement Agreement, if the property has no tenant placed, owner decides to cancel the service within 90 Days, $500 + GST and a Monthly Flatrate Advertising fee of $60 + GST are applicable as Contract Termination Fee.
2. If the tenant has been placed for Property Management Contract and the owner decides to cancel the management service within 1 year, 1/2 month of rent amount is applicable as termination fee. 如果租户已经安置,业主在1年内决定取消管理服务,则租金金额的1/2个月适用作终止费。
3. If the tenant vacates after one year, the owner is wishing to take back the unit at the same time with 1 month notice, there is NO termination fee. However we charge a minimum management fee amount $150 + GST on the following month to process the security deposit from the tenant. This minimum management fee will be deducted from the float fund and will return the rest within 30 days to the owner.如果租户在一年后离开,业主希望同时收回单位,没有终止费。但是,我们会在租戶離開後的下个月收取最低管理费 150加元+ GST 以处理租户的壓金。这笔最低管理费将从浮动基金中扣除,并在30天内将其余费用返还给业主。
4. If the tenant stays after one year, the owner is wishing to terminate the management service and transfer everything into owner’s name. $500 termination fee is applicable. 如果租户在一年后停留,业主希望终止管理服务并将所有内容转移到业主的名下。 500加元的终止费适用。
5. If the tenant vacates after one year, the owner has not provided us Service Termination notice upon tenant moved out, during the tenant turn over period and we had advertised the property for rent and conducting showings, $500 termination fee + GST and a monthly rate of $60 + GST advertising rate is applicable. 如果业主在租戶搬出後沒有給取消服務通知,我們已開始找新租客,业主希望终止管理服务, 则需支付500加元加稅還有每月廣告費$60加元加稅作为取消费。
6. If the property is sold and the property is under tenant turn over period or under month to month rental, $500 termination fee + GST is applicable. 如果业主在找租客期間或者是月租,业主把房子賣了, 业主则需支付500加元加稅作为取消费。
GST will be added to all fees charged.